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November 19, 2008


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Gayle Luster

Looks like it was made for you - hair and all. You'll be stunning and I'll bet you'll even get the cleavage right. The poor model needed a real dame to come and yank her right boob into place. Looks like it slid into her pit! I'll make sure that doesn't happen to you! I say go for it!


Wowzers! how elegant! I'd say since it's bare shoulders, that should keep you cool while you dance! Cheers! cat :0)


I have three ReVamp dresses (saving for a 4th) and can not recoomend the brand more enthusiastically. True retro cuts for curvy girls and high quality craftmanship and authentic details. It will look great on you.

Get it now!


monkey approves swimmingly. Er...ah....climbingly.
In other words, two Opposable thumbs up on the dress.



adult diapers

Interesting post. Really Like to share it in my circle.

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